Monday, June 23, 2014

the little things....

I can actually see the back of the freezer, it is actually possible for me to move things around without having to put food on top of the washing machine.  I can just move the stuff to another shelf.  Wow.....
There is space in there but I am not going to fill it until we get through some more of it.  The truth of it is that I did share the contents of the freezer, I gave sauce and stuff to my Mom and Dad.  Gabriella came home and left again with much, so we had some help.  There is still a lot of food left but I am very happy with our progress.  In the past the big freezer was the land of the lost, I would put stuff into it and forget about it, then find it, and it was freezer burned.  I would feel terrible about throwing the food away, but you could not eat it.  I am hoping to have it cleared out or at least be able to empty it out enough to clean the inside and get ride of the ice that has accumulated on the bottom of two of the shelves.  It is supposed to be frost-free but I swear there are polar bears living on the ice in there.

Upside of eating out of the freezer is that now I can just open it and put in a metal bowl, there is room.  Yup, I made another Icebox Cake.....

Lining the container with the cling wrap is necessary, for me anyhow, to take it out when it is ready.  I just don't understand why is sticks so well to me, itself, and everything I don't want it to, then not stick to what I want it to.  

I watched a video on how to make this, how come her's were perfect and mine not so much?  I end up with whip cream all over. 

I have whip cream everywhere, well not everywhere but I am saying that it just doesn't look as good as the video.  I just realized the saddest thing, I need to put the cookies the other time.  I was able to just pop it into the freezer with no worries, no moving stuff around, woohoo. 

The cookies need to go width-wise.  I am slow on the uptake.  It was pretty amazing anyhow...

Next out of the freezer was......

I cannot remember the last time I made beef curry....I am very fortunate to have a most wonderful husband as he is the one that cleans and slices the meat so that all I have to do is to put it in containers, label and date, and put into the freezer.  I can tell by the size of the container how many servings I have.  It makes things so much easier this way. 

The next thing to do is rinse the rice.

 I went back and forth about what type of curry to use, it is so very hard to make that decision because they all taste so good.  I settled on Red Curry.  I had almost everything on hand, all I needed was Thai Basil.  So off to the Hong Kong Market I went.  Since I was there I got fresh bamboo shoots.

I gathered everything I needed and made it all ready to go.

I just can't wait for this kitchen to be finished, I could not find the palm sugar, I know I have palm sugar.  I had to use white sugar Grrrrr.......  I also have to make lots of soup and curry dishes cause I got lots of coconut milk.  I am thinking Masaman.....yummy

I have been using the Lodge cast iron wok, it is heavy but I like that fact that it heats so evenly and retains the heat.

Dinner was most excellent, although I think I should have added a wee bit more heat....

It was most delicious for breakfast

were the big things...

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