Sunday, August 3, 2014

please and thank you

We are now home a week from a most fantastic Maine excursion.  The smells, sights, and flavors that we enjoyed are etched now into my brain, and I would truly love to do it again.  Our holiday was sweet beyond reason.  

Risotto is joyous, not only by eating it, making it is oddly enough comforting.  It gives me great pleasure standing at the stove stirring.   So I ran with it...

The first risotto I made was with broccoli rabe, chick peas and sausage.  This is one of my favorites.  I love sausage and I love broccoli rabe so it is a match made in heaven or in our kitchen.  I even like to eat it for breakfast the next day.

 Look at that deliciousness....
I went into the freezer for inspiration, yes, I found it.  I like to shop for family packs of meat for a number of reasons, one is the cost, and the other is that Andrew enjoys breaking them down into smaller portions, cut them into the size I am going to need for whatever it is I am going to make.  I took out some chicken that was cut into pieces for curry.  Andrew came home, saw the container, and thought that we were having curry for dinner.  I think that I disappointed him when he saw what I was really making.  He was all geared up for curry and he got week curry I promise....

It was good, really good.  But it needed something......Peas. it needed peas.  Glenette's friend is on the road to recovery, so I thought I could help her a bit.  The doctors said that she could eat white rice, chicken, and peas.  I was more than pleased to know that arborio rice is considered white. 

I hope that it makes her feel better.

Finally, I made a dessert rice.  This is the second time that I am making apple risotto, it still needs to be tweaked, but I think that I am on the right track.  I sauteed the apples in butter, and added a little cinnamon and salt.  I used Simply Apple Juice.  I also used a bit of half & half, while I think it was just a bit too sweet it still was truly good.

a new day is rising...


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