Saturday was the Tasting Party, and we had a grand time. In addition to the fondues, we had Brie Paninis with semi-sweet chocolate and Basil. They were mighty tasty.
We had the traditional cheese fondue made with emmentaler, gruyere and white wine. We dipped pumpernickel bagel chunks, pretzel roll chunks, french bread, and semolina chunks. I served spumante with it, and it paired very nicely. We also had sparkling water, I read that it wasn't good to have water with the cheese fondue. I also had a Pinot Grigio on hand for those that wanted it.
The paninis were delicious. Andrew took the grill grates off of the BBQ on the stove, and replaced it with the cast grill sheet, I sliced ciabada bread into thinish slices, then brushed them with olive oil, and put them on the grill sheet till they got lines on them, then added brie, chocolate chips and shredded basil put a top on each slice and then put the heavy cast iron thingy on top to press them down. The were the bomb. I had just a small kitchen fire, so it was all good.
We had two different kinds of dessert fondue, first was the caramel We can NEVER AGAIN have that. It should be illegal, it should have never been invented, no no was sooooo wrong.....nothing should be as good as caramel fondue. Jenn said that we could have it just once more. I will say that I love caramel, but I love caramel fondue more. While I love carrot or red velvet cake this was indecent. I cannot stress how good it was.
The chocolate fondue was very good also. We had vanilla pound cake, strawberries, melon, apples, pears, bananas, mango, and marshmallows.
I had the best time. Thanks for coming. I cannot wait to do this again. I really have to say "Thank you to Donna for the copper fondue pot, Kathy for the white ceramic fondue pot, and Staub for the grey pot. I truly, truly enjoyed myself.
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