Friday, April 18, 2014

for hope, peace, and love....

It is more Cardone....for this I am sad....

I was up in Paramus the other day, and what did I see.....artichokes.....woohoo woohoo......

Got to love that Fairway, the artichokes were on the small size, but pretty heavy and they were  5 for $4.00 so not too shabby.....

We did not over breadcrumbs just garlic, salt, pepper,  and olive oil.  Andrew trimmed, cut, and cleaned the artichokes while I pealed the garlic.  I got to stand by to watch his wizardry with this most fabulous thistle.

not much waste

can't forget to peel the stem and add it to the basket

putting the garlic in the petals

adding quality olive oil

water to steam them

I would really like to know what made someone decide to eat these things, while I am so very glad that they did, I do say....what?????put the petal between your teeth and drag it...I mean...shaking my head in wonder...I love, love, love to eat artichokes....they are wonderful.

When they were finished, Andrew put them in a bowl and rubbed some butter across the tops so that it pooled inside the petal, and I swear you could hear the angels sing....they were heaven, it was the first time we put butter on them....yeah, can't eat them anymore now....

got a thistle.....

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