Monday, March 3, 2014

gearing up......

 The Tasting Party is almost upon us, and I, for one, are very, very excited.  I was given a most awesome gift the other day.  Donna, my friend/doctor/vet/confidant/neighbor/cohort/fellow hooligan, bestowed upon me a most treasured gift, actually two gifts, the first being a Royal Copenhagen bird, that was part of her inheritance from her cousin, and a treasure that she brought from Germany, when she came home from living abroad.  She sounds so exotic, doesn't she, well heeled and travelled.  She is good people, the very, very best of people.  She gave  to me this treasure.......

I can hardly wait to use it.....

Oh, yeah, since Andrew had the copper polish out, I kind of roped him into doing me a solid.....
He is the best.  Andrew is the one who polished the Fondue Pot and all of it's parts.  He truly made quick work of it.  Last time I did the pot, the one took me forever, and it didn't come out half as good.  I really do like the copper pots, they are perfect.  I just think that they look so elegant.

I can hear Mor in my head telling me what she thought of the Fondue Pot and it's shineyness......hehe

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