Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Got the bologna and milk...

Yesterday, yes it was way enjoyable, while we were out and about, my Mom rang me on the phone to have a quick chat, they told us that we were in for some foul weather, where were we that we did not know this?????  This is what cleaning cupboards does, you don't know what is going on outside your door, especially if you spend the better part of two days cleaning and listening to Sat radio.  Needless to say. there was bologna and milk to buy.  The snow is coming, and we are supposed to get slammed.

Last night, I realized it was Monday night, duh.....I made the quick decision to gather the stuff for the Swedish Meatballs.  We mixed 2.5 pounds each of ground pork, ground beef, 5 eggs, bread crumbs, and various spices to make the meatballs. baked them, then put them in the gravy that I made the other day.  Cooked it all for a bit, now they are cooled down, so I can divide it up and put in the freezer.

When the time comes, I will take them out of the freezer for dinner, all I will have to make either potatoes, rice, or noodles.....I have say I can't wait.

Kathy said that I am ruining it for other women......so I guess I'm going to have to feed her.......again


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